Winston’s journey on this earth is nearing the end, and our hearts are breaking. We’ve had an extra 15 months of fun, joy, and lots of cuddles after Winston’s amputation, but now there is a large sarcoma in his abdomen that is not treatable. We pray for several weeks with him, but in reality know that the relentless growth of this mass will cause more pain. We knew something was wrong a week ago when he refused a McDonald’s French fry. What we thought was a tummy problem turned out to be our worst nightmare.

Our vet suggested a diet of lean poultry and high carbs such as boiled potatoes. He is eating well now, and his pain is being controlled by Gabapentin even though it makes him wobbly and stiff. He is still making his daily trek upstairs to his favorite corner to sleep the day away. Despite all of this, his spirit and silliness are shining through, and we will wait for him to tell us when he’s ready. Knowing Winston, he is more concerned about us and our hearts.
I included two pictures – one from the weekend, and one from when he was a puppy almost 12 years ago to see the full spectrum of his charm and cuteness. We have loved this boy so well, and we will be with him every step of the way.
Winston’s mom